Photo provided by Chase Stewart
Chase Stewart is a long snapper who stands at 5-foot 11-inch and weighs 200 pounds. From his profile on Rubio Long Snapping “
Chase Stewart did well at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XLII Event on May 6-7th. Starting form is great and Chase snaps a really smooth, catchable ball. His balance is fantastic as he leans back really well, especially right before he’s about to snap. Locking down his spiral is going to be a big key for dominating his class as we move forward. Side to side, he moves really well on his feet. Pressing the gas with his snapping and on his feet will push him way up as well. Great attitude and Chase is super easy to speak to…coaches will love that for sure. Really solid upside.
Chase Stewart did well at the Rubio Long Snapping VEGAS XLI Event on January 14-15, 2023! Smooth Long Snapper with very good upside and that snaps a clean ball back to the punter. His spiral is tight and the ball will stick to the punters hands. Starting form is good and he is able to use his body well. If Chase can get his legs just a bit quicker, his timing will be perfect and his snap speeds will be closer to .75 which will move him way up the rankings and the college coaches will really go after him. Super athletic Long Snapper with massive upside. I am really excited to see him in GA on March 19th and at VEGAS XLII in May!” Highlight Videos
1. You have several camps scheduled for this summer, what is your main goal that you want to achieve from these camps?
The main goal I want to achieve from the camps I am attending this summer is to compete, learn, and show out.
2. If you had to compare your style to a NFL/college player , who would be the closest to your style?
Jon Weeks because of my consistency and accuracy as a long snapper.
3. What major/degree are you hoping to purse in college?
I am hoping to pursue a business degree.
4. Favorite football memory?
My favorite football memory is when we (Marist) beat our historic rival in triple overtime for the region championship last year.
5. How has recruiting process been for you?
The recruiting process has been successful so far, and I hope having great performances and the ability to demonstrate my skills this summer at camps and into this upcoming season will really solidify myself as one of the best long snappers in the nation.
6. What is one thing coaches should know about you?
I am a hard worker and leader on and off the field by holding a 4.20 GPA and being an Eagle Scout, President of the Outdoors Club, Peer Leader, and Retreat Leader.
7. Obviously the NFL is the ultimate goal, besides that, what do you want to do post-college career?
I want to stay working in the sports field by hopefully becoming a sports agent.
8. What is a fact about you that most do not know about you?
I am a big gardener and have a garden that I set up and take care of with my dad yearly.
9. Who was your role model growing up?
My role model has always been my great-grandfather (Pop) because of his perseverance, authenticity, sense of humor, and work ethic. He is a WWII veteran and always had great stories to motivate and intrigue me while always making me laugh and smile.
10. What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal has to be buffalo wings, always with blue cheese.
11. What is one thing you love about your hometown?
I love the community I have in my hometown, especially my neighborhood, because of the similar values that are shared among all inside of it and how everyone has each other’s backs.